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Form Mail
Form mail
With Wix, form mail can be installed and modified without programming. This sample email form has the following features:
Up to 10 forms can be set up (more than that, a paid plan for mail forms is required)
Send an automatic thank-you email from the system to the person who sent it
Accumulate the input contents in the database, check by the administrator & export as a CSV file (save to your computer)
You can fill it out and send it. Please do not enter personal information of yourself or others. The system will automatically send a thank-you email to the specified email address. In addition, the sent contents are stored in the database.
In this sample, "Name", "Furigana", and "Inquiry content" are displayed so that anyone can see it, so that you can see that it has been registered in the database on this page. Normally, the content you send will not be seen by others.