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Photo and Movie

Photo / video shooting and editing

It is said that "sight, hearing, and language" determine a person's first impression. It's the same with websites. Now, photos and videos + short taglines are the most important issue for websites!


What is important is

On-site feeling, touch feeling, familiarity


The friendliness somewhere in my memory, which I can touch with my hands as if I went to the site, evokes the feeling of "I want to meet this person, I want to touch things." Photos and videos will be posted on the site and completed. I took the picture in consideration of the layout and the combination with the characters when it was posted on the site.


Delivery on YouTube


Delivery on YouTube


The friendliness somewhere in my memory, which I can touch with my hands as if I went to the site, evokes the feeling of "I want to meet this person, I want to touch things." Photos and videos will be posted on the site and completed. I took the picture in consideration of the layout and the combination with the characters when it was posted on the site.

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